This week has been  one of the most fruitful weeks so far. After knowing characteristics of a design thinker, it was time to bring it alive.The best part of this week’s activities was definitely the Hunger vs Poverty pitch. I enjoyed the preparation time as well as watching how others defined it. The unique thing about doing such pitches is that no two groups had the same ideas and that’s how a creative thinking class is different. We share ideas and that’s basically how we get new ones.

When I was creating the story map for the blue apron idea, it was really helpful to organize things here a bit and see it from the lens of  design thinker. This is where I learnt the application for the process itself ,well-represented through a success story.

I can barely think of something ‘the least useful’; but if I were to think of a way to make the week better then I would suggest that we would think ,for example, about a solution for the basic problem ‘like blue apron’s one ‘ and ‘put it forward’ and then we would come up with ideas without knowing what the actual thing is. I believe through that way we can figure out practically the process of d-thinking.

When I was preparing for the pitch with my partner, I did notice how re framing is the most important and indeed the best part of creative thinking. This is why in our presentation we could hardly define pure hunger , waste and poverty: we found it best to say that they’re not limited to what we think they are. In essence, it was sometimes better to say what something is not rather than what it is.

In the following weeks, I would like to learn more about creativity in individuals, or something similar to successful people. I have always believed in the power of individual change. And I guess here: We’d better know who the user is now! It seems to me that so many people fail to know what they need and what they want.

‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ will always be my motto ❤ – Mahatma Gandhi

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